SGVP Japan Value Equity Fund

The SGVP Japan Value Equity Fund pursues a dedicated deep value approach. It invests in Japanese companies that, according to the fund manager's analysis, trade at a significant discount to their calculated intrinsic value. Shares are selected according to a rational economic assessment of each company's business fundamentals. Short-term stock price fluctuations do not play a role in the decision-making process. The portfolio has virtually no overlap with widely used Japanese equity indices.

This fund was launched in 2010 and is a Luxembourg equity fund in accordance with the UCITS law and has daily liquidity.

Product information

Regulatory Disclaimer:

The availability of the funds depends on your profile (domicile, investor type).

This investment product may be marketed to private individuals only in the event they are domiciled in Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg or Sweden. In all other cases, this publication may only be marketed to professional investors and eligible counterparties within the meaning of the Swiss FinSA or the EU Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II).

Sustainability-related disclosures / engagement policy:
Information pursuant to Art. 10 SFDR

Overview existing share classes

Share class




Available currencies
Circle of investors, restrictions
Retail share class, no restrictions
Minimum subscription JPY 25'000'000
reserved for investors who subscribe via a financial intermediary domiciled in the United Kingdom or the Netherlands, or who have concluded a written agreement with a financial intermediary which explicitly provides for the acquisition of trailer fee-free classes

Overview existing share classes

Share class
Available currencies
Circle of investors, restrictions


Retail share class, no restrictions
Share class
Available currencies
Circle of investors, restrictions


Minimum subscription JPY 25'000'000
Share class
Available currencies
Circle of investors, restrictions


reserved for investors who subscribe via a financial intermediary domiciled in the United Kingdom or the Netherlands, or who have concluded a written agreement with a financial intermediary which explicitly provides for the acquisition of trailer fee-free classes

Why invest

Unique portfolio that has no overlap with the widely used Japanese stock indices

Invest with an entrepreneurs’ view and a long-term horizon

Low valuations as the main driver for investments

Benefits from the holistic stakeholder model in Japan

Interested in additional information?

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