Warburg Value Fund

Globally diversified equity mandate. The strategy pursues a classic Graham & Dodd "value" approach with the aim of acquiring listed equity securities at a significant discount to the calculated intrinsic value and holding them until they have approached this value. Buy and sell decisions are based exclusively on the fundamental analysis of the company/industry and, above all, on the valuation of the share capital. Geographical and sectoral allocations are not predetermined, but are a result of the company and valuation analyses.

SG Value Partners AG acts as investment advisor to the fund manager Warburg Invest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH. The portfolio management team of SG Value Partners AG has continuously managed the Warburg Value Fund since its launch 2004.

Product information

Regulatory Disclaimer:

The availability of the funds depends on your profile (domicile, investor type).

This investment product may be marketed to private individuals only in the event they are domiciled in Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Luxembourg. In all other cases, this publication may only be marketed to professional investors and eligible counterparties within the meaning of the Swiss FinSA or the EU Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II).

Why invest

Unique portfolio that has no overlap with the widely used stock indices

Investing with an entrepreneurial perspective and a long-term horizon

Low valuations as the main driver for investments

20 year track record

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